Stunning half Korean, half French IFBB Bikini Pro Natalie Pennington is one of those women.
I think Natalie ranks right up there in the top five most beautiful women I have ever presented on this blog.
IFBB Bikini is a new female fitness competition, just started this year by the IFBB (The International Federation of BodyBuilders), and at first, some people just looked at it as a glorified bikini competition, designed to sell more tickets.
But having seen these ladies in action, I think opinions are changing, as these women work just as hard as other female fitness competitors to get the look the judges want.
Some women have even crossed over from IFBB Figure over to bikini.
Back to Natalie though, this young lady can do something none of the other competitors can do.
She can make you look forward to a trip to the dentist.
Yes, Natalie is a full time dentist.
Natalie has appeared as a fitness model in issue 12 of Status Fitness Magazine, and I think you will see a LOT more of this gorgeous woman in the coming months.

2008 MuscleMania Fitness America Weekend - 5th Place
2008 UNBA Fitness America Southern Cal Regional - 1st Place
2009 NPC Team Universe - 2nd Place
2009 NPC USA Bodybuilding & Figure Championships - 2nd Place
2009 NPC Contra Costa Bodybuilding, Figure & Fitness Championships - 1st Place
2010 IFBB MuscleContest Pro Bikini - 5th Place
2010 IFBB New Zealand Pro Figure & Bikini - 2nd Place
You can find out more about Natalie at her Facebook page here: