The other day I was out at Lowe's and saw a row of snow blowers where the mowers normally sit. makes me wonder if I should break down and buy one. Nah, I'll stay home when I need to. If it were entirely up to me, I would strap a snow shove on the top of the car and go south until someone says, "Senior, What is dat on jour rof."
Barb and I painted a wall in the living room that had been sponge painted blue, white and cream. It had been good enough for a while but when the new couch showed up, the color scheme is now brown and red. Blue is the new verboten color in the living room. The ceiling in the living room is a cathedral ceiling and it is almost impossible to paint the very top. I have to lean the ladder on the beams and step across to the ledge below the window. I always feel like an acrobat when I do that and it is not my favorite move. After a short while, my knees start to shake and it makes painting a straight line a real pain in the patootie. Oh well, it is done for now.
Got a nice letter from my Friend in Florida. His Grandmother is my Great Grand Mother on my Dad's side of the family. He is a retired College Professor, poet, story teller and all around nice guy. Dr Mark "Tiger" Edmonds is his name and he has several CD's out with tales of his motorcycle adventures. It is kind of like cowboy poetry but it centers around his long rides on his BMW motorcycle. If you would like to hear some of his poetry go to Better yet, if you really like the samples, buy one of his CD's and listen to them while you are traveling down the highway. I have one downloaded to my I-Pod and love the sound of his voice telling about his travels and travails. he sounds like Sam Elliott to me. You know, that deep slow voice that sounds like he has smoked too many Marlboro's and drank coffee late into the night. The kind of guy that thinks about what he is going to say then you could listen to for hours. Seems like he is going to be up this way next summer and would like to meet us. I will use it as an excuse to invite my sisters et al, over for a meat grilling fun time.
I really need to find a way to load the bikes up in the trailer and head south. I feel like I am getting way out of shape and hate the idea that I will need to work so hard next spring to regain my recumbent legs. It is either that or make circles on the exercise bike and I hate that. Oh well, one or the other.
Better run and see what wonderful ideas Barb has for the curtains.
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