Tuesday, November 23, 2010

wallpaper Roundball Express

wallpaper wallpaper
At one time in my life I hated the fall. It meant going back to school, raking leaves and cold. Then I discovered KU Basketball and now I can hardly wait until the last crack of a bat and the end of baseball to start the College Basketball season. I will watch a little pro ball thrown in but heck, I will watch any college team play rather than a pro game. Last night I saw K-State play and saw a very talented team play good enough to win in KC. Later on we will go see the hawks play a game at the Sprint Center. Hope my Garmin can find the place.

A good friend of Barb's sold us his home game Hawk tickets a couple of years ago for the period of Early January Thru 15 February. I didn't realize the fun and pageantry that TV leaves out of a televised game. Standing there to sing our Alma Mater song and the National Anthem is just good old fun for me. I take great pride in standing up and singing the National Anthem as our flag is presented down on the arena floor. I guess spending 30 years in uniform to support our Nation will do that for me.

In the recent past, when you bought popcorn at a game they would give you this plastic KU bucket. To make a concession to the environmentalists, they have switched to paper sacks. I always took home extra buckets after a game and probably have used them to paint more houses than I can count. I might even have eaten popcorn out of one but mostly I now use microwave popcorn and they come in their own container. Now that we can wear coats into the game, I will almost always have a water bottle in a pocket. I guess once a cheap bastard, always one. I carry the telephoto lens in the same hand as the seats I now carry. That's to keep them from throwing Barb out for having a lens too big by their standards. I'm not sure why they care but dang it, if I can spend $1,200 dollars for 10 games, I should be able to take pictures. Or at least have barb take pictures.

Better go and get something done worthwhile. Might even throw in a nap today, going to be out late.


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