Tuesday, November 16, 2010

wallpaper Roundball Visit

Yesterday evening we met the kids at the "Mad Greek" in Lawrence. We had a nice visit and a great meal. After our meal, Barb and I went to see KU play Valparaiso. Right before the game, I asked the people seated near us if anyone had a clue where Valparaiso is? One guy out of about 25 said he thought it was in Indiana but he wasn't sure. What we were sure of is that it turned ugly and never got better for them. I don't think I have ever seen as KU team make the other team pay as bad as team did for the fouls. On at least three occasions KU players actually tripped Valpo players on their trip down the court. There was at least one tackle that was called and no one was sure who started it or ended it. For a while it looked like there could be a brawl but someone called time out and thankfully the announcers played an earlier play on the scoreboard. I don't think I have ever heard a bunch of KU fans boo a team as loud as this group did. Normally a player might get booed or a chant of Air Ball might ring out but the Valpo team were booed as they left the floor after the pregame warm-ups.

KU was so dominant in the game that only once did the +22 margin set by the paper was anywhere the score. I think it was 78 to 44 at the end. Should be a fun season for hawk fans. Not so much for the Valpo, Alpos.

Barb and I bought a 10 game packet of tickets and we have some pretty good seats. We sit above the students on the end with the band and there can sit through most of the game with an unobstructed view. We did buy some stadium seats to cut down on what I call bleacher butt. Mostly I needed some back support to sit for two hours on a wooden bleacher. It also lets us stake out our place on the bleacher. In the past, we have had people crowd us out and now there is no question where our seats are. Most of the people near our seats are pretty nice and other than some rowdy boys (different group each game) it has been a really pleasant time. I think this time there were three boys that thought it was time to wrestle between group yells of GO JAYHAWKS completely unrelated to what was going on on the floor.

We did discuss the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner plans on the way to Lawrence. We are two of the most traditional people I know and our list of foods could have been my mother's list. Start with a turkey, add garlic mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, pie and rolls and that's a feast but so common it is not funny. Barb did discuss making an apple cobler and serving Well's Blue Bunny Cinnamon ice cream with it. Depending on the weather, I have also been known to grill the bird and smoke it good with hickory. We'll see.

Better get on with my day and do something productive.


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