Monday, September 13, 2010

wallpaper Its a Game, Not Life

Many of our friends live in Texas and are all angry that the Cowboys lost their game yesterday. One of the National Sports Networks showed the highlights of the game and one referee made most of the tough calls. The good part was that they showed the play and what caught the line judge's attention. Good Calls ref. Tonight our KC Chumps will play a "Big Monday" night game and we'll see if there is a chance in hell that they will be worth watching the rest of the season. I know the coaches are playing everyone in preseason so I try to not judge them from that record. But to everyone out there I am reminded of a wonderful saying from a former member of the National rowing team and the current Juniors Coach of the KC Rowing Club- "Athletes row, everyone else plays games!" JJ Jewett

This morning it was a wonderful mid 60's as I went out to gather in the paper. For several mornings, big dog met me at the door as he had achieved freedom from the electrified fence. I went out and rebuilt that sucker yesterday and today, he was in the pen all secure. I took him out and we played fetch for about half an hour. There is a stone fence between the patio and the driveway that is about a foot and a half high. Big dog is too fat to jump over so he has to run around it to get the stick. He kind of runs out but walks back. he pretends he has to stop and pee on every tree but I'm pretty sure that it is a stalling tactic to cut down on the repetitions of run then waddle back. Taco is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever had and it breaks my heart to see him just getting fat and not getting out to play as often as he deserves.

I think Barb is going over to the KS Natural History Museum today to help them clean up the Kansas Wildflower garden. I will make a run down to the County Court House and get our car tags renewed. I have Dave's info and will replace his tag also. He didn't renew his personalized plate so he will just be another number in the 123ABC type. He said that this year Kansas issued directions that there would not be the same tags in different counties. There will no longer be KUHawk in multiple counties. Only one per state.

As I downloaded all of my CD's to my I-Phone, step one was to load them into my computer. I now get to listen tom as I write on my blog or wear out the mouse playing solitaire. I have a really varied collection and it is just great when the songs play alphabetically. I will have a song from Tommy followed by something from Roy Orbison followed by the Theme from Star Wars. Somewhere the 1812 Overture is also in the list but it is at the end so unless I start there I don't hear it often. It is one of my favorite pieces so I do try to hear it at least once a week.

Better get rolling.


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