Saturday, September 18, 2010

wallpaper Refugees in Darfur: send them reading glasses and books

This is at The Book Wish Foundation:

Peepers Fun Reading Glasses Donated for Refugees

What better way to encourage reading than with the gift of colorful, cheerful, fun reading glasses? Especially in the Darfur refugee camps of eastern Chad, where hope needs a helping hand, adding to the enjoyment of reading can yield big returns in education and mental health. That's why the Book Wish Foundation was so excited to receive 126 pairs of Peepers Fun Reading Glasses, in dozens of colors and styles, like these:

wallpaper Peepers Fun Reading Glasses

It might sound superfluous to same people that reading glasses were sent to refugees because we think they only need to survive starvation and have some medicines for diseases but a library is being build at the refugee camp for the literacy project. Donate here 2 dollars.

wallpaper Darfur refugees in Bredjing Refugee Camp receive reading glasses

A group with new reading glasses in Bredjing Refugee Camp. Note the books in their hands. By providing books and reading glasses to the same people, we are enhancing the value of each. How many lives in this photo have just taken a giant step forward, even if they are still in the refugee camp? The school and children in the background remind us of the lost educational opportunities for adults who need, but don't have reading glasses.

Supporting literacy

We will add the link to your site to our bookshelf pages with ( My family and I help to raise public awareness of the genocide in Darfur through informational labels we place on the books we donate through our BookCrossing challenge project, READ: Respond in Earnest Action for Darfur. We will also advise the San Antonio Interfaith Darfur Coalition and local university STAND groups of your needs. We hope you find growing support for all of your projects.

Read about the forgotten refugee here:

by Eric Reeves at ENOUGH.

"Ongoing human suffering and destruction in Darfur have been largely eclipsed both by recent national elections in Sudan and by growing, if belated, international attention to the imperiled southern self-determination referendum (slated for January 9, 2011). Even more completely obscured by recent events in Sudan, however, is the continuing humanitarian crisis in eastern Chad." ... keep reading.

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