Compotier with Glass, 1879-1822 by Cézanne

As I pointed in Toulouse-Lautrec's Van Gogh portrait impressionists used to homage their friends by depicting oeuvres of each other.
"Compotier with glass" is at the background of "Portrait of a woman with Cezanne's Still Life" by Gauguin who owned the painting for a period of time, and also at Maurice Denis's "Homage to Cézanne".
In Gauguin's work the painting is part of the structure of the picture, it is the background of the scene but it treated in such a space that it doesn't lose importance.
Maurice Denis put Cezanne's work exposed in an art gallery surrounded by friends and critics.
If you write "still-life" in a search engineering it's almost certain that Cézanne will be on top because his influence is still present in our times.
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