Tuesday, October 12, 2010

wallpaper Fun Evening

Barb and I went to the Topeka Festival Singer's concert at White Concert Hall (Washburn Univ) last night and it was very good. The focus was on religious songs and I would have thrown in a little more fun but all in all what they performed was excellent. I told Barb that I either wish I was good enough to sing with them or that my memory was so bad that I couldn't remember that I was once good enough. I am not sure if it is my hearing that just doesn't hear the perfect pitch or my memory that just doesn't remember all the words.

We met an "Old" Guard friend at the concert and he remarked that he hates to go to these things because of all the old people there. Knowing that he is a few years older than I am and I am one of the white haired members of the audience made me smile. He is still in denial and dies his hair the worse shade of black you could ever see. I told him that I am not sure that I want to join a club that would have someone like me as a member. I'm sure that remark went right over his head. Yes, the Westborough group was there and they even sang their rendition of God Bless America. The needed a few male voices but they were very in tune even if their message was not to my liking. What a positive thing they could be if they would focus on the joy that people have in religion rather than the hateful sections of the bible. Oh well, they will die only if people just ignore them.

We got about an inch of rain in the past 24 hours and the trees are dropping leaves and turning about the same time. By the time the leaves dry off, they will be stuck to the sidewalk and the deck. If they fall dry, I just take the leaf blower and move them along down the hill. That's probably the thing I hate the most about the fall, LEAVES. Looking out the south side windows, there is a little red in the leaves. barb and I know that it is probably poison ivy growing up on the trees and just leave it alone.

Better run. I hear Barb up after a late night reading session.


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