Friday, October 15, 2010

wallpaper Life 101

One of the things enjoyed by the "Older Adults" is that we have more experiences to even out the day to day adventures called life. There are even a few of us that can remember when Wichita State not only played football, but won a game now and then. Life is not like Facebook where every teenage remark has instant impact and lasting effects. In the best of years, even the number one team seldom goes undefeated. Yes, K-State won the Sunflower Game and in a damned impressive manner.

Every once in a while, in one of those dark moments between awake and sleep, I ask myself what do I really want out of life? The correct answer is that I have what I have due to the planning I made and damned sure had better get used to it. Once you cross the threshold into retirement, it is kind of late to make mid course corrections. The nice thing is that so far the planning we did seems to be enough to help us cross over to the finish line with some flexibility. If I have to worry about what there is to eat, it is only because I'm out of Klondike Bars and have to eat vanilla ice cream. I am pretty sure that Barb has the bills paid and we have enough utilities to read our books and newspapers.

I am probably going to work over the garden today. I have to take out the drip irrigation system, cut the dead plants down, spread composted manure and till the entire garden. I will also manage to get in a few throws of fetch with Taco and sit in the Sun to catch a few rays.
If that isn't a great life, I don't know what's better.

Oh well, you probably didn't learn a lot here today but it costs no more than what it is worth. A summary of the message is "Getting what you want isn't nearly as important as wanting what you have." If you want to be happy, do it the old fashion way and save for it.


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